
The winter (tax) campaign is The Smith Family’s biggest cash appeal of the year, especially for higher-value donations. This fully integrated appeal encompassed press and out-of-home advertising, direct mail with additional collateral for high-value donors, and digital marketing.


For winter 2023, The Smith Family wanted a strong, rational concept to emphasise the disproportionate and unfair impact of the rising cost of living on the education – and future prospects – of children experiencing disadvantage.

“It doesn’t add up” was the creative theme for developing this appeal, inspired by the case study’s love of maths – and by the sheer injustice of a situation where a smart, determined child with a supportive family (in an affluent country with a great education system) is being prevented from achieving their best at school because of poverty.


  • Campaign strategy
  • Concept development
  • Graphic design
  • Copywriting


Tone Studio